Search Results
DSC Webinar Series: Human-in-the-Loop Deep Learning
DSC Webinar Series: Practical Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning
DSC Webinar Series: Combining Human Intelligence with Machine Learning for NLP and Speech
Manning Introduces - Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning
Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning: MEAP
DSC Webinar Series: The Essentials of Training Data for Machine Learning
Human in the Loop: Interpretable Machine Learning
Takeo Igarashi -- Human-in-the-loop Creative AI
DSC Webinar Series: AI Models And Active Learning
Short introduction to Humans in the Loop by Iva Gumnishka
ACL Demo for HEIDL (Learning Linguistic Expressions with Deep Learning and Human-in-the-Loop)
4/5 Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning (Robert Munro Monarch)